Monday, February 14, 2011

Nothing is more American than an Eric Church concert

If you have not had the chance to experience Erich Church and his band live in concert, than you my friend are missing out on something. I recently got to experience his show for a second time on a whim. I knew that he was playing near by, but in a place which is really hard to get to unless you drive there...a place called the Starland Ballroom (Think the barn/dance hall in Foot loose). This place is literally in the middle of nowhere, New Jersey.

After waiting 10 minutes on the road (due to concert traffic), maneuvering parking directed by local VFW members and crossing the dim-lighted street (as well as dodging non-concert drivers) I finally got to wait in the 20 minute long line for ticket holders. (Mind you it was about 20 degrees was no spring picnic). Conveniently my phone died as soon as I got inside, where I was supposed to meet up with a couple of friends. However, as luck/karma/something could prove it I ran into a a few mutual friends of mine and my other country loving pals. I was able to wait with them as we were able to all join together.

After hugs, and the how-do-you do's were passed around, it was not long before the first act went on. Sean Patrick McGraw and his band were not too shabby for an opening act. They were mostly upbeat, sang songs about being cowboys, and kept the crowd jumping and grooving while the caught up with old friends, met new friends and threw back a few cold ones. However, the crowd was still anxious for the main event...chants of ERIC and some random boos to towards the stage were shouted by some of the more Eric Church loving fans.

Between sets there were even chants of U-S-A...these fans were country lovin, American pride, whiskey drinkin', cowboy hat wearin', kind of New Jersey folk...much different from the more popular "Guido" stereotype which people may have due to the popularity of such shows as the Real Housewives of New Jersey and Jersey Shore.

But it was well worth the wait!
Eric Church and his band have an AWESOME opening act, with lights, guitar solos and intro using Clutch's "Electric Worry" , instant goosebumps and a feel for a promising show were presented.

He sang everybody's favorite songs as well as his own. At the end of the night the crowd left more than happy, well at least those who weren't thrown out, not lucid, or passed out in some corner of the bar. The crowd sang along, people danced along to the songs which had the beat bumping and swayed and threw their lighters up to those which were more sentimental. If one thing is certain, New Jersey welcomed Eric and his band with wide open arms, and they put on a damn good show in return.

This Week's Song of the Week:
Eric Church - "Smoke a Little Smoke"

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