Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To a new year

It's been one year since I moved to the Madison area. I feel as if I had made myself a nice cozy little nitche of a family full of friends and advisors.  I have improved my knowledge of Irish studies, New York bars and above else Procrastination (although I am not so fonde on the later of the three). I have experienced many new challenges and adventures that grad school has called forth and what life has laid out.

However comfortable I would like to feel here, I know my time is limited. Graduation is only in a number of months and I will be challenging myself once again. Wheter it be a phD program, or actually begining a job. I will cherish my last months here at Drew! While still looking forward for what yet is to become. For like the Irish say "Home is not where you live but where they understand you."

"Lessons Learned" -Matt and Kim

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